Scholar Progenium Origin

Orphaned but not without family
Source: An Abundance of Apocrypha, pg. 10

Build Point Cost: 0

Base Tier:

Speed: 6


Schola Education

The character was groomed from a young age to be an example to others. You gain +1d on any two of the following skills, chosen during character creation: Insight, Intimidation, Leadership, Scholar.

Cloistered Upbringing

Progena have little patience for, or understanding of, the dregs of society. The character suffers +2DN on all non-hostile Interaction tests made when dealing with characters who have the SCUM keyword.

You were an orphaned child of a notable servant of the Imperium, raised in one of the Schola Progenium abbeys scattered across the galaxy. Under the tutelage of Drill-Abbots and other stern teachers, young Progena are honed into devout, highly capable servants of Him-on-Terra. Many of the most renowned figures in Imperial history are former Progena, recruited into positions of status and power.

Note: It`s recommended to increase the following Attributes and Skills at least once, to reflect the homeworld`s origin: Toughness, Willpower, Athletics, Leadership.

- Source: An Abundance of Apocrypha -
An Abundance of Apocrypha, pg. 10