Name Agent of the Inquisition | Hint Join the Inquisition (that was unexpected). | Source
An Abundance of Apocrypha
pg. 127
Name Apocryphon Oath | Hint The Deathwatch have requested your service. | Source
An Abundance of Apocrypha
pg. 127
Name Back From The Brink | Hint Dead, forgotten, found, rebuild. | Source
Core Rules
pg. 150
Name Cadre Questor | Hint A quest, gladly taken or demandfull given | Source
Redacted Records II
pg. 73
Name Chosen by the Omnissiah | Hint Damaged, broken, repaired, enlisted, welcome on Mars. | Source
The High Altar of Technology
pg. 25
Name Crux Terminatus | Hint "May I request a Terminator Armour, please?" | Source
An Abundance of Apocrypha
pg. 128
Name Dauntless Reputation | Hint Acknowledged, praised, wellcomed, hated. | Source
Core Rules
pg. 151
Name Deamon Prince | Hint Become a Deamon Prince! | Source
Tome of Glory
pg. 15
Name Demanding Patron | Hint Watched, promoted, demanded. | Source
Core Rules
pg. 151
Name Forsake Your Chains (Ascension) | Hint Leave the Imperium (Keyword) behind and join the Chaos or it's various factions. | Source
Let The Galaxy Burn
pg. 3
Name Lost upon the Path of the Warrior | Hint Gain some fancy Exarch gear but not everyone is pleased. | Source
An Abundance of Apocrypha
pg. 129
Name Lost upon the Seer Path | Hint A prophet for the Aeldari, but lost on this course. | Source
An Abundance of Apocrypha
pg. 130
Name Perfidious Wretch | Hint Overseen, baited, convinced, turned. | Source
Core Rules
pg. 152
Name Psychic Revelations | Hint Tap into the warp, awaken powers, lure the Immaterium. | Source
Core Rules
pg. 152
Name Reborn | Hint Once an Aeldari, now Yinnari | Source
An Abundance of Apocrypha
pg. 130