Tyranid Termagant

Source: Javelin's Tyranid Bestiary
Name Rating
Strength 3
Agility 4
Toughness 2
Intellect 2
Willpower 4
Fellowship 1
Initiative 3
Name Rating
Defence 2
Speed 8
Max Wounds 4
Max Shock 4
Determination 2
Resolve 2
Conviction 3
Passive Awareness 3
Resilience 6 ( 3 Chitin)
Name Rating
Ballistic Skill 6
Default 5


Termagants are equipped with a Fleshborer and Claws and Teeth.

Name Range Damage AP Salvo Traits
Fleshborer 20 m
7 + 1 ED
0 1 Assault (1)
Claws and Teeth melee
5 + 1 ED
Strangleweb Cannon 20 m
5 + 1 ED
0 1 Blast (Medium), Strangleweb

Assault: You can fire an Assault weapon as part of a Sprint (p.180), but take a +2 DN penalty to the attack.

Blast: Target a point (DN 3) and deal damage to anyone in the blast radius. You can´t shift for damage.


Special Abilities

(Mob) Brood Mind: Whilst in a mob, Termagants gain +3d to Resolve tests while they are within 20 meters of a Genestealer or any other Tyranid with the Synapse Creature keyword.

Instinctive Behaviour (Lurk): A Termagaunt that is further away than 1KM from a Genestealer or any other Tyranid with the Synapse Creature keyword, or otherwise cut from the Hivemind will turn from combat and actively seek out a shelter to hide in, attacking only to defend itself.

(Mob) Strangleweb: Occasionally Termagaunts are equipped with debilitating weaponry in order to capture live specimen for gene-splicing and dissecting. In a mob of at least 10 Termagaunts you may replace one´s Fleshborer with a Strangleweb Cannon.

Keywords: Tyranid <Hive Fleet>
Javelin's Tyranid Bestiary